Digital Nomad Visas; what is worldschooling

Digital Nomad Visas: Location-Independent Living

Fulfilling your dream to become a digital nomad may be the greatest turn in your life and there are many, hundreds, thousands, millions of people out there ready to welcome and support you
Worldschooling in the Portland, Oregon Rose Garden

Fernweh Families: The Chapmans

As a single mom, I bring my son along on every trip I take. Together we create educational travel itineraries that blend enjoyable activities with learning experiences, all while maintaining balance so I can run a business.

Reentry, An Important Chapter

Reentry is an important logistical chapter for both future and current worldschoolers and family travelers.
worldschooling family, world schoolers, family travel

Fernweh Families: The Salty Vagabonds

We are excited to continue our “Fernweh Families” interview…