Wonder Year to Present at the Denver Travel & Adventure Show
A lot can happen in a year. Last January, when our book was still just a hazy dream on the horizon, Julie and Annika were wandering the Denver Travel & Adventure Show thinking, “We'd love to share our message with this audience.” And this coming January? We'll be there again—as featured speakers, with a pile of beautiful books on-hand!

Book Launch Month
When thinking of a New York Times bestselling author launching a book, one might envision a grand tour, fancy scarves, and lines of people waiting for her signature. What, in reality, does a book launch look like for “regular” authors? Read along to find out.

Judging a Book by its Cover
Something magical happens when a file on your computer starts turning into a book. It begins to move from a 2D .doc into something more. For us that happened during the book design phase.

How to Write a Book: The Second Marathon
We gathered as much intel as possible from our editor, the sales team and our own research and assumptions and put our best guess on paper. That decision positioned us on the starting line of our second marathon, introducing Wonder Year to the world and activating channels to sell our book.

How to Write a Book: the First Marathon
When we three authors first came together, we had much to discuss: our respective trips, what had gone well, what hadn’t, what we wished we’d known before leaving, and what we learned while traveling.

The paybacks to collaboration are many. First, I got to spend time with two inspirational women who share my passion, urge me on when I doubt myself, and keep me on task. Collaboration is joyful when it’s a shared passion project.