Fernweh Families: The Diops
Our next “Fernweh Families” interviewee is the Diop family. These worldschooling families help inspire current and future travelers.
Community Connectors: Rachel Carlson, Worldschool Pop-Up Hub
We had the pleasure of linking up with Rachel Carlson, the founder and director of Worldschool Pop-up Hub. In this post, she shares how the organization was born, how it’s grown, and a bit about her personal experience as a long-term traveling family.
Destination Inspiration: The Pantanal
Behind the headliners of Rio de Janeiro and the Amazon lies what National Geographic calls Brazil’s best-kept secret: the Pantanal.
Fernweh Families: The Zelenka/Tolks
Our second Fernweh family is the Zelenka/ Tolk's. This inspiring worldschooling family of four is in their second year on the road.
Fernweh Families: The Pages
Yasmin Page shares insights from her family's adventure of worldschooling, unschooling and living in a co-op in Sattva Land, Belize.
Worldschooling: Citizen Science
Citizen Science can be an excellent tool in a worldschooler’s education toolbox. It offers a way for parents and children, side by side, to do “science lessons” by engaging in a real-world scientific process.
Stories From The Road: Slow Travel New Zealand
"After being on the move for the first four months of our Wonder Year, it felt nice to hunker down. We were doing what is known as “slow travel,” setting our roots as deep as they could go with our three month visa."
Stories from the Road: Glen Canyon Dam
Then we met Hance, another 9-year-old worldschooler traveling with his mom through the US for an entire year, just like us.
Destination Inspiration: Alaska
Go to Alaska! Take ferries, kayaks, catamarans, canoes or bush planes. And when you get there, go where the locals go. Follow their trails, listen to their stories, learn their traditions.
Learning Geography From License Plates
Unsuspecting kids will learn US geography, cardinal directions, capitals and state characteristics.