River in Iceland

Making The Decision

Are you ready? Is a Wonder Year right for you and your family? Are you ready to make the decision? 

Advice from a river 

– Ilan Shamir

 ⥈go with the flow ⥈ 

⥈ immerse yourself in nature ⥈ 

 ⥈slow down and meander ⥈ 

⥈ go around obstacles ⥈ 

⥈ be thoughtful of those downstream ⥈ 

⥈ stay current ⥈ 

⥈ the beauty is in the journey ⥈


We know it probably feels like there is no right time to voluntarily disrupt everything and embark on an extended family travel adventure. Our lives are busy; our days are full. Work. Friends. Family. Laundry. Grocery shopping. Cooking. Doctor’s appointments. Volunteering. 

Busy. Busier. Busiest. 



San Juan River goosenecks

How in the world could you ever squeeze in a Wonder Year?

Here is a simple three-question framework that might help you sort through this existential joyride so you can set off on your Wonder Year. 

Turn off your phone and ponder these three questions:

Question #1: What are your core values, beliefs and priorities in life? 

What do you care most about? Is it adventure? Relationships? Spirituality? Freedom? What do you value? Write down what comes to mind. Then think about creating time for those things.  

Question #2: What are the “shoulds” and voices in your head that distract you from your core values?

Can you identify the distractions and expectations that are not your own, the things other people expect of youCan you isolate and set aside those judgements and listen to your own voice instead? How can you better align your life to your core values? 

Question #3: What are you afraid of? What’s holding you back? 

How is fear creeping in and affecting your future? Is what you did yesterday the default for what you do today? Identify what’s lurking in your pit of uncertainty – education, employment, world events? Then devise contingency plans to quiet and outmaneuver those fears. 


Johnny kayaking

Johnny, 8, gets his kayaking on.


With clarified values, released expectations and robust contingency plans, you can break out of the “what-if” loop that keeps you stuck. You’ll no longer ask, “What if something happens and we need to go home and our house is rented and we have nowhere to live?” Or “what if we can’t find a new job, OMG what will we do??” 

You’ll know it’s within reach. It’s tough to make the decision, but ou can do it. #itsyourturn

“It’s sort of like starting a family. We did not decide to have a kid when we did because life suddenly got unfull and busy days suddenly got unbusy. In making that choice, we embraced a new adventure, one that had a different cadence, new challenges and a fantastic parade of beginnings.   It’s like that with deciding to go on an extended family road trip. Choose the life of adventure and the life you want. There will be tradeoffs that you cannot see from the other side but values, time and priorities realign and it’s a wild and beautiful ride.” – Julie

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