Tag Archive for: worldschooling

Worldschooling: Citizen Science

Citizen Science can be an excellent tool in a worldschooler’s education toolbox. It offers a way for parents and children, side by side, to do “science lessons” by engaging in a real-world scientific process.
Girl with chocolate fish in New Zealand

Stories From The Road: Slow Travel New Zealand

"After being on the move for the first four months of our Wonder Year, it felt nice to hunker down. We were doing what is known as “slow travel,” setting our roots as deep as they could go with our three month visa."

What To Do With Pets While Worldschooling

When preparing to leave your home for an extended road trip or worldschooling adventure, there’s a lot to take care of. Deciding what to do with your dog (or cat or rabbit or hamster) can be one of the trickiest and most consequential decisions you’ll make
Nesting dolls in Budapest

Involving the Kids in Travel Planning

Involving kids during the early stages of a Wonder Year, even as the notion takes hold and you begin to plan, has many benefits. It helps them ease into the idea of leaving for an extended time. It gives them ownership and buy-in to the shared family project. And it allows your family to integrate the interests and desires of everyone involved.
Sunset from the South Rim

Stories from the Road: Glen Canyon Dam

Then we met Hance, another 9-year-old worldschooler traveling with his mom through the US for an entire year, just like us.
flowers in Utah


The paybacks to collaboration are many. First, I got to spend time with two inspirational women who share my passion, urge me on when I doubt myself, and keep me on task. Collaboration is joyful when it’s a shared passion project.
whale fin Homer

Destination Inspiration: Alaska

Go to Alaska! Take ferries, kayaks, catamarans, canoes or bush planes. And when you get there, go where the locals go. Follow their trails, listen to their stories, learn their traditions.
Slack lining in Alps

What is a Wonder Year?

We call the experience of long-term family travel a Wonder Year. A Wonder Year is a season of discovery; it’s being in motion as a family and adopting a mindset of growth and curiosity.