What is a Wonder Year?

Slack lining in Alps

If you’re following along here, maybe you are thinking of heading out to travel with your family. You might be in the idea stage or even actively planning a long-term trip. Perhaps your experiences with virtual work and remote school have created new opportunities for your family, or you are simply ready to shake things up and head out on a life-changing adventure. Maybe you are already living on the road together as a traveling unit, discovering all the world has to teach us.

We call the experience of long-term family travel a Wonder Year. A Wonder Year is a season of discovery; it’s being in motion as a family and adopting a mindset of growth and curiosity. The journey can be for any length of time–be it two months, two years, some months traveling and some at home, or even an open-ended, full-time adventure–whatever works for your family.

 The educational component of a Wonder Year is called worldschooling, which is learning through direct interaction with the world. We authors believe that the world is a very good teacher and the more interaction our children have with it, the more their hearts and intellect will grow.

kids playing in parkWonder Year = long-term family travel + worldschooling

 This blog–and the accompanying book we’ll tell you more about soon–will walk you through the key aspects of planning, executing, and hopefully thriving during a Wonder Year. We aim to provide you with insights and inspiration as we share our experiences and offer resources along the way so you can travel with your family. 

 Welcome to your Wonder Year.